Source code for django_test_tools.app_manager

from django.apps.registry import apps

[docs]class DjangoAppManager(object): def __init__(self): self.installed_apps = dict(self.get_installed_apps())
[docs] def get_app(self, app_name): return self.installed_apps.get(app_name)
[docs] def get_installed_apps(self): for app_config in apps.get_app_configs(): yield, app_config
[docs] def get_model(self, app_name, model_name): app = self.get_app(app_name) for model in app.get_models(): if model_name == model.__name__: return model return None
[docs] def get_project_apps(self, project_name): project_apps = dict() for app_name, app_config in self.installed_apps.items(): app_project = app_name.split('.')[0] if app_project == project_name: project_apps[app_name] = app_config return project_apps
[docs] def get_app_data(self, app_name): """ Read application data converts into a dictionary :param app_name: Application name :return: Dictionary with application data """ app = self.get_app(app_name) app_dict = dict() app_dict['app_name'] = app_dict['models'] = dict() for key, model in app.models.items(): app_dict['models'][key] = dict() app_dict['models'][key]['model_name'] = model.__name__ app_dict['models'][key]['original_attrs'] = model._meta.original_attrs app_dict['models'][key]['fields'] = list() for field in model._meta.fields: self._convert_field_to_dict(field, app_dict['models'][key]['fields']) return app_dict
def _convert_field_to_dict(self, field, field_list): field_dict = dict() field_dict['field_name'] = field_dict['type'] = type(field).__name__ field_dict['unique'] = field.unique field_dict['editable'] = field.editable if hasattr(field, 'choices') and field.choices is not None: field_dict['choices_type'] = type(field.choices).__name__ if field_dict['choices_type'] == 'tuple': field_dict['choices'] = field.choices if hasattr(field, 'max_length') and field.max_length is not None: field_dict['max_length'] = field.max_length if hasattr(field, 'max_digits') and field.max_digits is not None: field_dict['max_digits'] = field.max_digits if hasattr(field, 'decimal_places') and field.decimal_places is not None: field_dict['decimal_places'] = field.decimal_places if hasattr(field, 'remote_field') and field.remote_field is not None: field_dict['remote_field'] = field.remote_field.model.__name__ field_list.append(field_dict) return field_dict